Leading international experts in the area of digital transformation and innovation gathered online and in person in Novi Sad, Serbia from 30 August to 3 September for APMS2020, the flagship event of IFIP WG5.7.
This year was the 41st iteration of the event and the first time it occurred in a hybrid mode, with a mix of face-to-face and online sessions. The conference was hosted by the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management from the University of Novi Sad.
The event brought together experts from academia, industry and government to discuss globally pressing issues in digital and smart manufacturing, operations management, and supply chain management in the Industry 4.0 era.
A large international panel of experts reviewed all the submitted papers and selected the best ones to be included in two volumes as part of the APMS2020 conference proceedings. The topics of interest in APMS 2020 included Digital Supply Networks; Data-Driven Production Management; Sustainable Production Management; Cloud and Collaborative Technologies; Smart Manufacturing, Industry 4.0 and the Operator 4.0, Data-Driven Services; Digital Lean Manufacturing; and Digital Transformation Approaches.
The program included the Marco Garetti Doctoral Workshop with nine PhD research proposals, presentations and discussions of 164 accepted peer-reviewed papers organised through 10 regular and 12 special sessions, three keynote speeches, and two plenary sessions, as well as numerous social events. Participants were from 29 different countries with highest number coming from Norway, Germany and Brazil.