Education and Information Technologies (EAIT) is the official journal of TC3 – the IFIP Technical Committee on Education. The first issue of EAIT was published in 1996, meaning that it has now been in publication for just over 25 years. EAIT is a research journal that covers the complex relationships between information and communication technologies and education in every way. The journal’s breadth of coverage allows EAIT to examine fundamental issues at all levels of education from classes at primary school to those at university level as well as in professional and vocational education.
From 1996-2020, EAIT published 1,511 articles. Over this period, the journal has grown considerably in size, from just 15 articles in Volume 1 (four issues) to 268 articles in Volume 25 (six issues).
In 2022, EAIT will publish nine issues annually, and already this year we have received 800 submissions with an acceptance rate of about 15 per cent. The journal has always had an international focus, with articles coming from researchers around the world, and over the past 25 years, researchers from 97 countries have had their work published in the journal.
In this time a wide variety of education-related disciplines have been represented. These include: mathematics, general science, physics, chemistry, languages, physical education, English as a foreign language (EFL), business education, engineering, medicine, orthodontics, geography, history, biology, bioinformatics and music.
The journal is embedded in the research and practice of professionals and has been accepted into the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) in the category ‘Education & Educational Research’. It is published by Springer, and in 2020 there were 666,155 journal article downloads with a growing high Impact Factor (2.917). The journal’s Editorial Board contains many IFIP members.
If you are interested in learning more about the journal, please visit the website.