The Croatian Digital Literacy Network will stage a one-day conference on 17 February 2022.
Formed at the end of 2020 with the aim of strengthening cross-sectoral cooperation and capacity building for research and development of the digital society in the Republic of Croatia, the network conducts scientific research, based on research develops guidelines for the development of public policies and helps develop the human resources necessary for their implementation.
The Network has three main goals:
- Goal # 1: Develop digital citizenship
- Goal # 2: Develop digital education
- Goal # 3: Facilitate the digital transformation of non-IT occupations
In the first area of study, the Network explores the need to develop public policies for the digital inclusion of elderly people and people with disabilities, as well as residents of rural areas and islands.
The second focus explores the alignment of DigCompEdu’s digital competencies and teaching practices with existing and future needs and the EU Digital Education Action Plan.
The third area deals with the impact of lifelong learning of mathematics teachers on students ‘educational outcomes, and the fourth investigates methods for developing students’ interdisciplinary competencies by creating computer games.
In the fifth and sixth surveys, the Network examines the needs of digital transformation of non-IT occupations in the cultural and creative industries and healthcare.
Click the link to see the full agenda for the upcoming Conference on Digital Inclusion.