IP3 will again host a thematic workshop at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) when it convenes in Geneva from 8-12 April this year.
The WSIS Forum is a global multi-stakeholder platform designed to facilitate the implementation of the WSIS Action Lines for advancing sustainable development. It provides a unique opportunity for information exchange, knowledge creation and sharing of best practices while identifying emerging trends and fostering partnerships. In particular, it serves as a key platform to discuss the role of ICTs in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals and targets.
The IP3 workshop, to be held on 11 April 2019, will explore the topic: “How do we maximise the benefits of Innovative 4.0 technologies without unnecessary risks and consequences?”
As Innovative 4.0 Technologies including AI and algorithmic decision-making bring economic and societal benefits in many areas of our human endeavours, how do we maximise the benefits without exposing our Society to unnecessary consequences and risks?
Each speaker will speak for just five to seven minutes in order to maximise time for audience participation.
IP3 Chair, Moira de Roche will open and chair the session and IFIP President Mike Hinchey will present closing comments.
IP3 is delighted to include in its panel Austeja Trinkunaite, the Secretary-General of CEPIS, and Liesbeth Ruoff, a board director of KNVI. Their presence will give the panel insight into the valuable work that has been done across Europe on Digital Skills.
Click here for details of the Workshop and the full WSIS programme.