By Torkil Clemmensen, IFIP Select

The journal IFIP Select publishes “Mission Statements” for already published IFIP research papers that “best” transfer relevant research knowledge to a member of a National Computer Society, and which supports UN activities and goals. Since IFIP represents IT Societies from over 38 countries/regions with a total membership of over half a million and links more than 3,500 scientists, the research done in its 100+ Working Groups and 14 Technical Committees should thus be valuable to promote the UN’s goals and support IT professionals globally.

Each year, TC chairs are invited to nominate selected IFIP papers as the basis for IFIP Select papers.  These should be published IFIP working groups or working conferences papers from the year and deemed as the best papers with regard to technology transfer and/or UN impact. The nominations should be forwarded to the IFIP Select editor, (currently Torkil Clemmensen, who will then contact the authors of the nominated papers to agree to their submission of an IFIP Select mission statement for their paper, which will be published together with a link to their original paper, see 

The authors of the nominated papers will be asked to write a 1-3 page mission statement that relates to the to the nominated full paper by answering: “How can I apply this? – The practice contribution”. The editorial process includes that when received from the authors the new addition will be reviewed by a small Editorial Board that aims to ensure the best possible mission statement in terms of the practice and UN contributions

All issues of IFIP Select can be found here: Note that Springer enables free access to papers that have their mission statement published in IFIP Select. This means that readers of IFIP Select papers can easily access and read the original IFIP WG and working conferences research papers behind the IFIP Select papers. 

The aim is to publish one volume each year with 1-2 issues, each with 1-3 papers. However, we will adapt this to the number of submissions we get. Ideally, all TCs should see one of their nominated papers published in each volume. IFIP Select looks forward to receiving your nominations.