CLEI XLVIII – the Latin American Computing Conference – has issued a Call for Papers. The event seeks papers reporting results of a theoretical nature and/or practice that advance the state of the art or present relevant applications or cases in the areas of interest of the symposia or associated events.
To be held in Armenia, Colombia from October 17 to 21, 2022, CLEI is an annual event organised by the Latin American Center for Computational Studies (CLEI). Held since 1974, it is a traveling event between Latin American countries.
CLEI is the main Latin American forum for exchanging ideas, experiences and research results between researchers, professionals and students in informatics and computer science and engineering, as well as its technological applications, through conferences, workshops, tutorials and panels.
Venue: Hotel Campestre Las Camelias, Armenia, Colombia
Date: 17-21 October 2022
Important dates:
• Papers submission deadline: April 17, 2022
• Notification to authors: June 26, 2022
• Final version submission (Camera Ready): July 31, 2022
Submission of papers:
Papers must be written in English, Portuguese or Spanish, and will be reviewed by an international program committee composed of members from academia and industry. Articles submission must be done through EasyChair. Authors must select the Symposia or Associated events carefully.