IFIP is pleased to announce there’s been significant progress in implementing its new Digital Library (DL), which means IFIP members now have greatly improved access to conference papers and published works.
The DL, which is being provided as a professional service by Inria, now includes all IFIP publications by Springer from 2010 to 2016 are in the DL, with the exception of nine proceedings from 2015 and two from 2016.
In addition, more than 80 per cent of the 2017 proceedings are also available. The conversion of the 2010 volumes from the prototype format to the current format has been completed.
We also have the first eCollection (non-Springer) volume in the DL, “Open Problems in Network Security”. This can be accessed from the DL home page and is also available in the collection for its Technical Committee and conference.
A formal process for the regular publication of eCollection volumes will be finalised in the next few months.
For the most recent publications, (for which Springer has the exclusive publication rights until they are three years old), the DL offers the tables of contents.
There is a link to the author manuscript and a link to the paper in SpringerLink, which means the author manuscript can be obtained by clicking on its link, and the publication copy of the paper can be obtained by clicking on the DOI link.
The publication version link will be active as soon as the proceedings volume is added to the DL, making the paper accessible to those with a subscription to SpringerLink. It will be available to the public four years after publication. The author manuscript link will be active three years after publication.
For all downloadable papers the numbers of record views and document downloads are given. This page also documents an example of the interface to Altmetric coverage with, for example, Mendeley and News references. Several search options are available and there is also a function “Cited literature” to automatically extract bibliographies from articles.
IFIP would like to thank all the volunteers whose hard work has made this project possible, with special mention to Joe Turner, whose contribution has been invaluable.