In 2018, Communications of the ACM debuted the first in a series of special sections designed to spotlight a region of the world with the goal of introducing readers to new voices, innovations, and technological research on a global scale. The most recent section, in the April 2019 issue, covered the Europe region.

CACM is now issuing a call for articles for the inaugural Special Section on East Asia and Oceania. This region includes Japan, Korea, Taiwan, South East Asia (Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Philippines, Laos, Cambodia), and Oceania (Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Melanesia, Polynesia, Micronesia).

Interested authors are requested to send a one-page, free-format PDF file with title, full list of author names, and description of the planned article to by July 15, 2019. Articles can be in any aspect or field of computing, and cover research, education, or innovation. Submissions are actively sought from academia, industry, and government agencies.

Some potential areas of interest could include: technical and governance challenges that can benefit from data science and AI; key advances in cybersecurity and privacy; key technological advances to aid healthcare and the aging population; technology to advance sustainable social and environmental development; key technological advances to aid and enhance education; regional advances in supercomputing; regional advances in consumer electronics, embedded systems, and robotics; research advances showing translation in any field of computing; and technology initiatives featuring engagement of academia, industry, and government.

Based on the submissions, a workshop will be held at the National University of Singapore. Selected authors will be invited to the workshop to be held in Singapore on August 30, 2019. The workshop will involve discussions and brainstorming to shape the narrative for the Special Section on East Asia and Oceania.

The types of articles chosen will be designated as either short Hot Topics articles (800-1,200 words), or longer Big Trends articles (1,500-1,800 words).