Thanks to Margaret Cox (active member of IFIP WG3.3) for highlighting the recent publication of a special issue of the Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology entitled Systemic Perspectives on New Alignments During COVID-19: Digital Challenges and Opportunities
The Special Issue, which was co-edited by Margaret and her colleague, Professor Therese Laferriere (also a member of IFIP WG3.3 members) consists of 10 articles written by 32 members of EdusummIT which is an International Collaboration of Researchers, Practitioners and Policy Makers one of whose goals is to progress the impact of research into IT in education on policy and practice across the globe. The issue is available at
IFIP is one of the sponsors of this movement and many of the members of EdusummIT are also IFIP members with common interests. It is interesting to note that IFIP was established more than 60 years ago in 1960 under the auspices of UNESCO which also provides ongoing support and advice to the EdusummIT community
The E-report (see EdusummIT2019 attached) which is also one of the outputs from every EdusummIT meeting (every 2 years apart from Covid break) is distributed to all 193 UNECO states to inform and update them on the latest research, policies and practice in the field of IT in Education, IFIP Technical Committee 3. See