The 90 top tech and digital roles and their top five skills have been profiled in ACS’ Demand & Impacts on Tech & Digital Skills white paper.
By taking a clear look at required skills, businesses and tech and digital professionals will be able to shift business plans and career focus to encompass future technologies and steer capabilities to positions of economic strength and resilience.
This stocktake of tech and digital job roles is presented against the international benchmark of SFIA (the Skills Framework for the Information Age).
The white paper offers current state analysis of the directions being taken with tech and digital skills in Australia, underpinned by data from ACS’ Tech & Digital Skills’ Survey 2020.
According to ACS, the strong, ongoing demand for ICT/technology workers and skills is consistent with the role digital technologies play in driving Australia’s economic health.
Adaptations in response to COVID-19 have resulted in retailers embracing ecommerce, school and higher education providers transitioning to online learning and comprehensive acceptance of remote working.
The ACS Demand & Impacts on Tech & Digital Skills white paper can be downloaded here.