Join ACS (Australian Computer Society) on 9 December 2021 for the #IFIP60 supported launch of the technical white paper “Sharing Data in Trusted Frameworks”.  NSW Minister for Digital, Victor Dominello, will join ACS President and NSW Chief Data Scientist, Ian Opperman, to officially unveil the new publication during an online event beginning at 5.30pm AEDT.

The NSW Government was an early adopter of data-driven innovation, passing world-first legislation to enable data sharing and data transparency between government agencies back in November 2015. 

Minister Dominello showcased his plans for the legislation during a Keynote presentation at the IFIP World Computer Congress (WCC 2015) in South Korea in October that year, highlighting the need for greater transparency and accountability in government.

At the time, he said the legislation would allow the government to deliver unparalleled outcomes for social innovation and improvement by requiring agencies to share real-time information with his whole-of-government Data Analytics Centre and with each other.

“In the Information Age, unlike in a sandstorm, you can’t put your head in the sand and wait for it to pass. The winds of change are blowing and governments, politicians and bureaucrats need to embrace that. We must lift the sails, get the wind and propel ourselves forward into the future,” Mr Dominello said.

This latest publication developed by the ACS in collaboration with representatives from government, industry and academia, highlights the importance of a common architecture across all Australian jurisdictions to enable greater utility of linked data sets, whilst still maintaining the privacy of citizens/customers with whom organisations have a relationship. 

The December 9 event will explore various concepts in the white paper, including:

  • The implementation of international data sharing framework standards to help manage governmental responses to COVID-19 outbreaks in NSW;
  • Identifying the challenges and concerns of data sharing and how to mitigate them;
  • How to address the complexities of data lifecycles to enable systematic data sharing; and
  • Simplified frameworks of controls for data sharing and use for different types of data.

To find out more and register for the event, visit