One of the hallmarks of a professional association is a Core Body of Knowledge (CBoK) that reflects the key theoretical understandings required of its members. In an industry as dynamic and fast-moving at the ICT sector, keeping that standard current can represent a significant challenge.
To mark its 50th anniversary this year, the Australian Computer Society (ACS) has updated its CBoK to reflect new developments in technology and in particular the impacts of the digital economy that are driving a more innovative and entrepreneurial culture in Australia and around the world.
The document, which came into effect from 1 March 2016, was the result of intensive consultation between the ACS, academics, government and industry. In what is believed to be a world first, the ACS has included entrepreneurism and innovation amongst the requirements for ICT degrees, ensuring that Australian ICT students graduate from university ready to deal with the challenges of the digital economy.
ACS President, Anthony Wong, said the updated CBoK seeks to better prepare the next wave of ICT professionals for the challenges of the digital economy.
“There is no greater constant in ICT than change. Providing a modern and relevant CBoK means that we are responding to change and enabling a new generation of digital leaders,” he said.
“Consistent with the Federal Government’s Innovation Statement, the reviewed CBoK provides a contemporary and evolved approach to education, and assists in shoring up Australia’s future talent pipeline.”