International Task Force Releases IS 2020 Curriculum

 A joint task force of ACM and the Association for Information Systems (AIS) recently released the report IS2020: Competency Model for Undergraduate Programs in Information Systems. Traditionally, the study of Information Systems (IS) was related to the use of technology for business. While Information Systems still focuses on the practical applications of computing in business, the field has continued to expand beyond internal business analytics to encompass how business technologies must relate to many new applications within and outside their respective organizations.

The previous model curriculum, IS2010, was a major effort to expand IS curricula guidelines from a primarily business school context to other domains. IS2020 builds on IS2010 in attempting to ensure students have the practical skills they need upon graduation, while also allowing for flexibility, both in terms of how computing technology is constantly evolving as well as the setting in which a student earns their degree.

The IS2020 guidelines incorporate comments, suggestions and feedback from senior scholars, panels, presentations, and solicitations to the IS community at large. IS2020 was also intended to have an international focus, comprising members from five countries and representing geographic regions including North America, Europe, Africa, and Asia/Pacific.

Read the ACM news release.


Featured ACM Distinguished Speaker: Neha Sharma

Neha Sharma is a consultant with Tata Consultancy Services and is a Founder Secretary of the Society for Data Science. She has  worked as Director of the Institute of Pune, which runs post-graduation courses like MCA and MBA. She received her PhD in Philosophy and Computer Science from the Indian Institute of Technology, Dhanbad. A Senior IEEE member, Neha has organized several national and international conferences including the International Conference of Data Management, Analytics and Innovation.



Upcoming Conferences and Events

SIGIR 2021, July 11 to 15 (online)

The International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval will feature keynotes by Eszter Hargittai (University of Zurich), Hang Li (ByteDance Technology), and Helen Nissenbaum (Cornell Tech). Sessions will cover bias and counterfactual learning, social media, hybrid learning, graph learning for recommendation, and more. Workshops will cover IR for children, e-commerce, patent text mining, simulation for information retrieval evaluation, and more.



EC 2021, July 18 to 23, Budapest, Hungary

 Organized by ACM SIGecom, the Conference on Economics and Computation will be held in an in-person/virtual hybrid format consisting of pre-recorded sessions, tutorials, workshops, and more. Workshops will cover topics including design of online platforms; people-centric systems; fair resource allocation; networks, systems and computation; and market design. Leeat Yariv (Princeton University) and Ashish Goel (Stanford University) will keynote.



ACM TURC 2021, July 30 to August 1, Hefei, China

 This year’s ACM Turing Celebration Conference in China will be focused on artificial intelligence and security, with a workshop devoted to the theme. ACM Turing Award Laureate John Hopcroft will keynote, as will speakers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and from Chinese universities. Several ACM Special Interest Group chapters in China will hold symposia covering topics ranging from geospatial data and knowledge to mobile computing.