ACM will cut over to the new ACM Digital Library platform on January 1, 2020.
The ACM DL includes ACM’s complete database of articles and artifacts published during the past 70 years. The ACM DL also includes fully integrated bibliographic data for nearly all computing literature, making it an extremely important discovery tool for the computing community.
For the past several months ACM has been running a beta site of the new platform alongside the existing DL. Throughout the process of developing the new ACM DL, which is built on Atypon’s Literatum platform, they have solicited and acted on feedback from the community. From the initial design concepts through to the features and functionality of today, ACM has received valuable feedback that has been very helpful in shaping the features and overall experience of the platform. They plan to continue to collect feedback from the community as they set the direction moving forward.
During the past several weeks, ACM has explored many of the features and functionality of the new ACM DL in a series of informative emails and tweets. After the cutover to the new platform, they plan to continue this well-received series, archived here. If you would like to be a part of this conversation, please follow @ACMDL on Twitter or email
You can explore DLNext on your desktop, tablet and mobile devices and discover some of the many enhancements in usability and functionality. To provide feedback, please use the feedback button on the DLNext beta site, email at, or via Twitter @ACMDL.