CSCW 2024, 9—13 November 2024

The ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing explores the technical, social, material, and theoretical challenges of designing technology to support collaborative work and life activities. In addition to presentations and demonstrations, workshops include “What is Safety? Building Bridges Across Approaches to Digital Risks and Harms,” “From Stem to Stern: Contestable AI Along AI Value Chains,” and more. Keynote speakers are Paola Ricaurte (Tecnológico de Monterrey) and Ethan Zuckerman (University of Massachusetts at Amherst). The event will be held in San José, Costa Rica.

SC 2024, 17—22 November 2024

At the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, invited talks will show how translational research and technologies and their applications address some of the most complex challenges of our time. Tutorials and workshops include “Advanced MPI Programming,” “Principles and Practice of High Performance Deep/Machine Learning Training and Inference,” “Machine Learning with Graphs in High-Performance Computing Environments,” “Core-Level Performance Engineering,” and more. The Keynote speaker is Nicola Fox (NASA). The event will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

MobiCom 2024, 18—22 November 2024

The International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking is dedicated to addressing the challenges in the areas of mobile computing and wireless and mobile networking, serving as a highly selective, premier international forum addressing networks, systems, algorithms, and mobile computer and wireless network support. Sessions include “Physics Embedded AI Solutions in Mobile Computing,” “Integrated Sensing and Communication Systems for 6G,” “Mobile Computing with Efficient and Interactive Foundation Models,” and more. Keynote speakers will be Jan Rabaey (University of California, Berkeley) and Fouad Tobagi (Stanford University). The event will be held in Washington D.C.