From September 3 to 5, 2018, the IFIP Working Group 13.2 on “IFIP Working Group 13.2 on “Methodology for User-Centred System Design” organized in the University Nice Sophia Antipolis, SophiaTech Campus, the 7th International Working Conference “Human-Centered Software Engineering” (HCSE) –  

This edition of HCSE was focused on the interdependencies (overlapping and possibly conflicting dependencies that might occur) between user interface properties (such as usability, ux, privacy, trust, security, reliability, among other). We were also concerned by how stakeholders and developers value diverse user interface properties and how they manage conflicts between them (when a property might degrade the value of another). Our aim is to cover a large set of user interface properties and try to reveal their inner dependencies.  The ultimate goal was to contribute to the development of theories, methods, tools and approaches for dealing with multiple properties that should be taken into account when developing interactive system.

The HCSE 2018 program received contributions from sixteen countries featuring in total eleven full research papers, seven late-breaking results, and posters and demos. The programme included five technical sessions, a demonstration session, and the inspiring keynote “Functionality, Security, Usability – pick 2? A passionate argument against false tradeoffs” delivered by Prof. Dr. Angela Sasse, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany. All contributions received (at least three reviews) in each of the two rounds of reviews including meta-reviewing and shepherding. The accepted contributions are published by IFIP Springer in the LNCS series. Similarly, to the previous editions of HCSE, we run an interactive session where the 39 participants worked together, staring in small groups (as shown in the picture below), on the identification of the dependencies between properties and proposing solutions to overcome possible conflicts. The results were reported in a plenary session where participants were able to comment and to contribute to the ideas.

We would like to thanks the sponsors the Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, Les Bibliothèques Nationales, INRIA, CNRS, tobbi pro, the laboratory I3S, Springer and the IFIP TC13 whose support was essential for making of HCSE 2018 a great event! We also would like to thanks our devote members of the program committee who is accountable for the quality of papers selected for presentation at the conference.

HCSE 2018 was indeed a great scientific event which closes the term of Professor Marco Winckler, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, France, as chair of the WG 13.2 (from 2014-2018) and giving the hand to Professor Regina Bernhaupt, Technical University of Eindhoven (TU/e), The Netherlands, elected as the new chair of the working group in the business meeting organized along the HCSE 2018!

Further information about the WG 13.2 activities and members at